Rare and Undiagnosed Conditions – supporting newborns and their families, Saturday 22nd May 2021

Posted by Roberta Shanks - 15/04/2021

Have you had a baby born in the last year with a rare or undiagnosed condition? Feeling a bit overwhelmed and lost? You are not alone. 

The Office for Rare Conditions has organised a free online information event where you can meet other parents and hear about their personal experiences of having a baby with a rare condition and be introduced to some of the support services that are available to help you, your family and your baby.

Why not join us on Saturday 22nd May to hear about the role of the Genetic Counsellor and the Specialist Genetics Nurse, the Complex Airways Service in the Royal Hospital for Children (RHC), Community Paediatric Services, RHC Hospital Play Service, the Teddy Hospital and the Play Specialists, CONTACT, Family Fund and SIBS UK plus a practical session on baby Massage by Early Years Practitioners.

Places are limited so book early!

Event FlyerORC Neonate Event

Registration link:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rare-and-undiagnosed-conditions-supporting-newborns-and-their-families-tickets-149848702503  


To find out more about the Office for Rare Conditions visit:

www.officeforrareconditions.org or message us on info@officeforrareconditions.org