Posted by Carsten Mandt - 25/11/2019
As Chief Medical Officer, and as an obstetrician and gynaecologist, I am delighted to see the creation of two national strategic networks for maternity and neonatal care, working together under the umbrella of the Scottish Perinatal Network. Networks are a powerful way to standardise practice and monitor outcomes across our health service. Both networks will provide a forum for staff, families and third sector partners to work together to improve maternity and neonatal care in Scotland, with the interests of mothers, babies and their families at the heart of this work.
The Best Start report on the review of perinatal care in Scotland has outlined an ambitious programme of change to move maternity and neonatal care forward for Scotland. By working collaboratively through the strategic network, services will be able to achieve the aims of The Best Start and deliver on the principles of Realistic Medicine, which we have worked hard over recent years to embed in the culture and practices across NHSScotland.
I wish everyone in the Scottish Perinatal Network well, and I look forward to hearing about the fantastic work you will be taking forward through the network to benefit all those who use and work in maternity and neonatal services in Scotland.
Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer for Scotland