Scottish Perinatal Network Governance and Structure

Scottish Perinatal Network (SPN) governance covers the work of the National Maternity Network (NMN) and National Neonatal Network (NNN), and follows best practice for national strategic networks in Scotland.

1. The SPN Oversight Board
For the duration of the Best Start Implementation Programme the strategic  SPN Oversight Board function will be provided by the Best Start Implementation Programme Board (IPB), in recognition of the significant synergies and overlap in membership for both groups. The first meeting of the  SPN Oversight Board took place on 14th May 2021. The Best Start Implementation Programme Board concluded at the end of 2024.
2. The SPN Core Steering Group
Operational delivery of the work is governed by the SPN Core Steering Group, which reports to the SPN Oversight Board.  Initially established as two separate National Maternity Network and National Neonatal Network Core Steering Groups in 2020, these were combined into a single ‘Perinatal’ Core Steering Group with effect from 1 April 2023, reflecting a wider strategic shift towards more joined-up, perinatal approaches.
3. Maternity, Neonatal and Perinatal Working groups 
The Scottish Perinatal Network delivers its priorities in collaboration with strategic partners, including other national networks and organisations supporting pregnant women and families. The complex SPN stakeholder landscape is visualised in the map below. Follow this link to read more about some of the strategic partners we work with or alongside, what they do and how you can find more about their work.
4. The SPN Programme Team
The SPN programme team is hosted by NHS National Services Scotland and and follows best practice for national strategic networks in Scotland. Follow this link to virtually Meet the SPN Team .